The Propaganda that Makes Transportation Sucks / Part II - Why Transportation sucks in America

In Part I, I talked about result of us having a transportation system designed for you to consume as much oil as possible. In this part, (Part II) I'll be focusing on the propaganda that convinces you that driving is the best thing since slice bread. This is about the propaganda that says it's great to be in a car and how are cars supposedly are better, but leaves out how much welfare is required for you to be able to drive your car. How much cost is required of you, the owner of the vehicle to maintain it. This is why public transportation sucks. So how did we get here?

The War on Cars Starts:
     This is a misnomer because it's in fact the other way around. There was never ever a war on cars. There is however a war on walking, a war on bicycling and a war against using transit. It started over a hundred years ago when GM purchased the New York Streetcar system and replace the streetcars with buses. The reason for this was because people in cities just weren't buying cars, so the CEO of GM started a campaign of replacing streetcar lines with buses all over the nation.
     Just as any new transportation technology has problems of hitting people, (thinking of dockless scooters) people started getting hurt. In the mid 1920's people in many American cities started a campaign to slow down cars so the automotive industry worked to make walking a crime. You've heard of this for it's called "jaywalking". The word 'jay' back then was a word that referred to as "redneck" or "hillbilly." Before 1920, you would have heard that the streets are for people. After 1928, we started saying that the streets are for cars. 99 Percent Invisible does an awesome segment on this so please go check it out.

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Inflation & National Bus Lines:
     What people need to understand is that when these streetcar companies were created in the 1890s, they were designed to be tax exempt entities. Their purpose was no different than a modern day overseas shell company and a philanthropist organization all rolled into one. The cost of the ticket was low enough to keep people riding, but just high enough to pay for the maintenance and employees. This started to end when Teddy Roosevelt became president and worked to stop private businesses from being taxed exempted if they provided a public utility. On top of that GM wanted to sell more cars, so they purchase National Bus Lines and used that company to buy up all the Streetcar lines that were in trouble and replace them with buses. After World War II and through the 1960s, inflation started to eat away at the low transit fare so cities and state governments started to subsidized these private transit companies and eventually took over these failing companies all together for they knew someone had to provide the transit services.

The fight against Light Rail and now, Transit:
     In the article titled, "Rich versus Poor, Near versus Far from Transit: Who Travels More," talks about who is most likely to use light rail when it is built. In the study they point out that people who live within 5 miles of a rail station are more likely to drive less. Well it turns out that transit started to have a revival during the mid 1980s with light rail lines being built in cities along the West Coast like San Diego, Sacramento and Portland, then in other cities like Denver, Baltimore, St Louis and Dallas. It's my position that someone at the Cato Institute around the early 1990s had to have discovered a similar finding when a new light rail system went online in the USA which brings me to Randal O'Toole.

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Randal O'Toole, Bane of the Transit Advocate:
     There's only a handful of anti-transit experts out there but I'm going to focus on the one who's has the biggest name and that's Randal O'Toole. Up until December 2021, he was apart of the Cato Institute, an organization that denies climate change and stories have been floating around for years that they receive vast amounts of money from large oil corporations to dissuade the public's view. O'Toole came on the scene around 1996, the same year Dallas light rail came online. He writes the blog called the Antiplanner and claims to be a champion of the "American Dream" and "Freedom." Being the bane of the Transit and New Urbanist Advocates we have a saying, "You've been O'Tooled," as in "you've been fooled."
     At first, O'Toole's propaganda was pretty much against light rail and get this; for buses. But as his propaganda began to work persuading the public's opinion against trains, transit agencies that were desperate to improve their systems decided to take O'Toole's advice and started to invest in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). I noticed a change in his writing in the 2010s from being for BRT to being against bus only lanes to now "Transit is Dead." When transit agencies instituted BRT, the ridership increased, and even he (O'Toole) had to admit it that when you increase frequency, speed and reliability by having a bus only lane, more people ride it. Now that's bad because you're not in your own personal vehicle burning gasoline which I'm convinced that's the reason why we have people like O'Toole around in the first place and why he changed his stance over the decades from being for buses to "transit is dead."  The reason why he's saying that "Transit is Dead" is because there's less transit available across the nation.  
     To explain how O'Toole is fooling you, I'm going to use his presentations from two debates. The first one is from his debate in 2017 with Jarrett Walker. Jarrett Walker is a transit expert, transit consultant and author of the book and blog of the same name, "Human Transit." I'll be referring to this video with the letters 'JW'. The second debate that I'll be referring to took place in 2010 with James Howard Kunstler. James Howard Kunstler is the author of the book The Geography of Nowhere.  He writes the blog Clusterfuck Nation and produces KunstlerCast podcast. I'll be referring to this presentation with the letters 'JHK'.

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JHK - only 3% of land is developed (32:59):
     To get this number, you have to include all of the land that's in the lower 48 states. As a truck driver, I get to see how big America really is. A good day of driving for me is around 550 miles a day. That's basically the distance from New York, NY to Greensboro, NC (544 miles) or 560 miles from New York, NY to Toledo, OH. If you live out west in a place like Nebraska or Kansas, yeah the land is empty. But if you live in an urban area like Dallas, Austin, Chicago, or Houston, open space becomes a premium. The reason why O'Toole is using this number is to make it look like sprawl isn't a big deal then it really is and all the problems that sprawl causes. Transit just so happens to have a hard time serving areas that aren't laid out in a grid and have cul-de-sacs all over the place forcing you into a car. It why during the JHK debate, O'Toole constantly puts up apartment building behind the Iron Curtain and compares them to Portland, OR. If you lived in that that apartment building in Portland, OR, you're more likely to use transit compared to the people living in a single family home.

JW - Transit is subsidized(13:16):
     I need to thank O'Toole for he helped me come to the conclusion that all transportation requires welfare and always has. In almost every presentation that he does, he whispers, (an exaggeration of course) that cars requires only 50 cents per vehicle mile traveled (VMT) in subsidies, aka, welfare. I don't know how he got this small number, but according to the people at Street MN, the welfare that a car requires is more like $9.20 in welfare for every $1 in user fees. I don't believe that includes recent inflation. In his attempt to desperately deflect on the issue that cars receive subsidies, I've always noticed how he raises his voice in anger when talks about subsidies for transit to make those subsidies look terrible. O"Toole claims to be a Libertarian and takes the position that all subsidies are terrible but the solutions that he presents are also terrible for they're based on user fees showing examples in Europe of the private sector building toll roads and supports instituting a VMT tax. Anyone who lives in San Antonio know how unpopular private toll roads are.  
     On a side note, remember when Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that he wanted to institute a VMT tax? Well guess where he got the ideal from? It's very unpopular for everyone sees that if a VMT tax is ever instituted, it would restrict the freedom of movement. Last I checked, O'Toole claims to be for the freedom of movement, not against it. In the end, this argument is to draw on Americans belief that welfare is horrible and to deflect on the amount of subsidies cars require.  

JW - Transit And the Environment (16:10):
     Now you're asking what's going on here, and the answer to this question is simple. In the end this argument comes down to F=MA which is better known as Newton's Law of Inertia. You see the number of transit vehicles currently in use are far, far less than the number of private vehicles currently in use. 95% of the time, the car isn't moving therefore the car isn't burning energy and travels far, far less. O'Toole is able to show a smaller number for cars and a bigger number for transit simply because transit vehicles are far less numerous, travel way more per vehicle, and are more massive while cars on the other hand, are way more numerous, travel way less per vehicle, and are less massive. This is to give you the illusion that cars are the better choice over transit, but we don't see this reflected in other stuff such as providing micro transit (Uber Transit) for it cost more than just providing fix route bus service. We don't see these numbers reflected in the amount of smog levels in urban areas nor the amount of oil consumed daily according to the EIA.
     On a side note, I don't know if O'Toole is including 'single occupancy vehicles' where the driver is the only person inside but that would explain why the car has such a low number compared to transit for transit vehicles are design to haul passengers.

Now there's so much more I can talk about, but to sum up any of his presentations is that trains are bad, cars are good. Oh wait, All transit is bad and thank God that it's dying but cars are good except the welfare that cars require so we need the VMT Tax except that tax would bring driving into a death spiral.

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The New War on Bicycles:
     When I started writing this blog post back in 2020, I wasn't ever thinking about the attacks on bicycles until one day I came across a post in the FB group San Antonio Cycling Community from a guy claiming that he was a professor of a University in Oklahoma. In the post, he was saying that he was doing a study on which type of clothing helps people on bicycles get notice more. It turned out that the professor and university was fake but none the less I took the survey. The Survey questions consisted of several videos of a dash cam driving by someone riding a bicycle. In each separate video, the guy riding the bicycle wore a different color shirt. While watching these videos, I began to wonder why the place looked familiar. After doing some research, It turns out that I drove down these same roads making a delivery one early morning early in my trucking career. I can't confirm it, but I swore that I was still driving stick shift at the time. This industrial area is located in Newburyport, MA. It also turns out that someone actually did a similar study a long time ago on what color makes us notice more. This study led to the result of our school buses being colored yellow.
    It turns out that when you put in a bicycle lane, more people ride bicycles. Now that's bad because more people riding bicycles means less consumption of gasoline. I now know that the anti-transit movement has already started their war on the humble bicycle. A recent article from the BBC seems to be confirming my suspicion complaining about all the new bicycle facilities in London taking out some car lanes. In San Antonio, Governor Gregg Abbot has prevented bicycle lanes going down old TxDOT owned stroads including Broadway. This war is only going to get worse for money from the federal government for transportation projects are going to start drying up this decade as our currency cease to be the global currency. It turns out that building a protected bicycle lane is the cheapest thing that your municipality could do and it's my belief that communities who are desperate to fill their coffers will invest in these facilitates to attract the young generation and the creative class to put down roots. It's only natural that the people providing us with gasoline will turn their attack dogs against the humble bicycle. Will these same people go after electric bicycle is yet to be seen but I'm assuming that people like Elon Musk will go after electric bicycles for if your using an electric bicycle to get around, your not using a Tesla to get around. The last time I checked, most Ebikes use lithium and we're running out of that

Newspapers and News Outlets:
I'm not going to go into detail here, but when you read about a transportation project in a newspaper, they'll hardly if ever complain about the cost of a highway project, but when it's a transit project, rail or bus, they'll bring out the cranks like Randal O'Toole hyping up the cost left and right. They'll never ask the question why hasn't the last expansion of the road ended traffic congestion.  The answer to that question is Induce Demand for when you make something easier, more people use it.

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The Result:
Question, do you love high gas prices?  Do you love having to drive where people don't use their blinker trying to cut you off?  Do you wish that you could subtract all the cost of a car and use that money towards a better place to live?  Do you wish that rents where lower?  I'm going to bet the answer to gas prices are a no; cost towards a better place to live, yes; and rents were lower, bloody hell, YES.  Well you can thank the Cato Institute and Randal O'Toole for helping making these cost unbearable. Sure, they'll deny it, but a liar will always deny that he or she is lying even when the truth is brought to bear. Now that you know the truth, here's the bad news. To change the way we get around will take decades to fix. Since America is stuck in the 20th century, don't expect to be able to ride your bicycle to work any time soon, catch a train to a city near you, nor be able to catch the bus to work. Always remember the propaganda is there to make you think that driving is great because when you're not driving your car, your not burning gasoline and the Koch Brothers and related industries aren't making money on your pain. So the next time you read an O'Toole 'paid' opinion piece in the Express News, "Don't Be O'Tooled."

Why Transportation sucks in America Series:
The Consequences of our Transporation System/ Part I - Why Transportation Sucks in America:

All Transportation Requires WELFARE, Always Has / Part III Why Transportation sucks in America :



2022-12-1:  A Memphis Streetcar traveling north on Main St from Memphis Central Station, Memphis, TN

2022-12-2:  A Northbound DART Light Rail train arriving at Lovers Lane Station in Dallas, TX

2022-12-3:  A Diagram of the amount of distance that needs to be traveled in Sprawl vs in a City Grid

2022-12-4:  A Tweet by the Surrey Road Police showing how Hi-Viz don't always work.

2022-12-5:  A meme I came across pointing out how our car built environment has made you a prisoner of gasoline prices.

Why is there an indentation in the bottom of some food jars, like peanut butter instead of being flat?:

The Modern Moloch: 

Human Transit - What is “Microtransit” For?:

Human Transit - How to Read the Best Anti-Transit Writing:

Tesla backseat rider who was arrested for driverless car gets out of jail:

Buttigieg suggests 'vehicle miles tax' to pay for infrastructure projects:

Portland Economist Says City’s E-Scooter Experiment Was a Success—and Wants to Apply the Same Standards to Cars:

JHK - Building America: Who should Control Urban Growth?: 

The Atlantic - The True Costs of Driving:

James Howard Kunstler vs Randall O'Toole - Building America: Who should Control Urban Growth?:

Streetsblog - The Problem With Lazy Local Coverage of Highways and Transit:

NPR - A Call to Redirect Mass Transit Spending:

Strong Towns - How Much Does a Mile of Road Actually Cost?:

NPR - How Driver's License Suspensions Unfairly Target The Poor:

How much oil is consumed in the United States?:

Krystal Ball Radar on catering to the creative class:

National Rail Passenger post about Cato Institute.

Rich versus Poor, Near versus Far from Transit: Who Travels More?:

Zero‐​Based Transportation Policy: Recommendations for 2021 Transportation Reauthorization:

Give Me 3′: Do Minimum Distance Passing Laws Reduce Bicyclist Fatalities?:

Separated Bike Lanes Means Safer Streets, Study Says:

Report: As Cities Add Bike Lanes, More People Bike and Biking Gets Safer:

the Guardian - The Innisfil experiment: the town that replaced public transit with Uber:

Bloomberg - ‘Uber Was Supposed To Be Our Public Transit’:

Front Fluorescent from front 10 seconds:

Driver Reaction to Cyclists Safety Project (Version 3.0):

David Robinson Vimeo:

'Greenway Stimulus’ Could Bring Boom in Bike and Walking Trails:

General Motors streetcar conspiracy:

National City Lines:

Trains Are For Tourists:

Independent and Principled? Behind the Cato Myth:

Here’s How Much Money The Mercer Family Donated To Climate Misinformation Groups In 2016:

Danny Harris Tweet:

Loop 1604 is expanding to 10 lanes. Here's what you should know.:

Six streetcar routes on the table:

Fuel types of new cars: electric 10.5%, hybrid 11.9%, petrol 47.5% market share full-year 2020:

BBC - Then and now: Pandemic clears the air:

Koch Brothers and Dark Money Gang Up on Nashville Transit Referendum:

Give my regards to SL 368? Why Abbott killed San Antonio’s Broadway plan:

The History of How School Buses Became Yellow:

Why Traffic-Choked Nashville Said 'No Thanks' to Public Transit:

U.S. Has More Car-Free Areas Than You Think:

San Antonio Express News - Commentary: As much as cars, public transit the future:

New study quoted by Cato Institute deniers in ad concludes global warming is getting worse:

San Antonio Express News - Commentary: Public transit is second-class transportation:

How vested interests tried to turn the world against climate science:

Study calls for curbing congestion by building fewer roads:

The Unstoppable Appeal of Highway Expansion:

The Problem With Lazy Local Coverage of Highways and Transit:

London congestion: Cycle lanes blamed as city named most congested:

Yes, Even Walmart Wants to Build Smaller Parking Lots:

Cyclists now outnumber drivers on many A-roads, Department for Transport figures reveal:

The infrastructural humiliation of America:

Randal O’Toole: Taking Liberties With the Facts:

Why America has way more roads than it needs:

Can Mass Transit Save the Environment? Right Wing or Left Wing, Here's a Post Everybody Can Hate:

Fewer People Are Riding the Bus Because There Are Fewer Buses to Ride: 

USA Facts - How many electric cars are on the road in the United States?:

Is e-mobility going to crash over lithium shortages?:

Randal O'Toole:

How Many Electric Cars Are on the Road in the United States?:

Streets.MN - Chart of the Day: Social vs Individual Mode Costs:

Jarrett Walker @humantransit:

James Howard Kunstler:

Wikipedia - James Howard Kunstler:

Wikipedia - Jarrett Walker:

Human Transit:

JW - The Future of Public Transit: Debate Between Randal O'Toole and Jarrett Walker at the Cato Institute:

The Antiplanner - How to Fool Transit Riders: 

The Antiplanner - New York Rediscovers the Bus:

The Antiplanner - National Per-Mile User Fee in Infrastructure Bill:

Lifetime Cost Of Small Car $689,000; Society Subsidizes This Ownership With $275,000:

The Guardian - How a myth about London bike lanes and congestion took off:

The Spectator - Fact check: are cycle lanes really making traffic worse?:

Road.CC - BBC U-turns on article blaming London’s ‘most congested city’ title on cycle lanes:

Streetsblog USA - Why Cycle Lanes Aren’t Responsible for Urban Congestion:

London congestion: Cycle lanes blamed as city named most congested: 

T4America Blog - The Congestion Con: You’ve been played:

The Washington Post - Opinion Transit is dead. Let’s prepare for the next mobility revolution.:

Wikipedia - DART Light Rail:


The irony here is that O'Toole is a long distance bicycle rider, what we refer to here in San Antonio as a Wheelman. Ask anyone who rides on back country roads and they will tell you horror stories of close calls, near misses, and even being blown by coal. Whether he (O'Toole) realizes it or not, he's advocating for all of those drivers who at one point or another threaten the lives of himself and his fellow riders with their personal vehicle. As a guy who use to do a 20 mile bicycle commute to work everyday, O'Toole is the reason why I had to break the law, getting pulled over more than once for riding against the flow of traffic down a one way frontage roads or on the Linear Creekways after dark. If there's one thing that I wish for O'Toole, is not harm by a car or a truck blowing him with coal smoke, but the realization that every time he writes his blog, he's championing those people's position on transportation that wish to do him harm.



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