
Showing posts from May, 2022

All the Articles that I Managed to Save.

 My paychecks are small and the annual $80 fee to pay to keep the Wordpress site alive is something I cannot afford. Covid-19 pretty much put the blog on hold except for a story here or there.  Well as a truck driver, it's my job to get stuff to the stores. This job keeps me very busy and because of that, Covid-19 made logistics a nightmare. You see this every time you go to the grocery store. And a true story here, because of the toilet paper shortage, I became Driver of the Month for my company.  I would like to thank all of you for making that possible.  In the end, all this truck driving takes a toll on my writing leaving me with little free time to write, ride bicycles and trains.   Below are all the wordpress articles that I managed to save.  Lately, I've been regaining my itch to write again so if the Universe allows, I'll have more blog posts to publish soon.  Saved: A change to aatblog:   Published March 2, 2019