Gary Allen - Mayor

Name of Candidate:  Gary Allen


Score:  57.6% Bicycle Friendly 

Position running for: Mayor

Question 1: "You're driving along and you encounter a person on a bicycle taking up the entire lane. What is your reaction?    

A, That's illegal and they should be riding on the sidewalk.    

B, Intimidate them so they will learn their place on the roadway.    

C, It's okay to hit them with your car, and it's their fault for being in the way.    

D, None of the above.    

Reason for answer:  Drivers should always be aware of pedestrians and cyclists, but cyclists should always be aware of where they are on the road and follow traffic laws. I have trained and competed in triathlons so I have spent many hours and miles cycling. I have known several cyclists who died on the road from being hit by cars. I still cycle for exercise now.  

Question 2: Running for Mayor: Will you as Mayor focus on  putting a Protected Bicycle Lane on the busiest corridors in San Antonio, and what do you consider to be the most important corridor in the city? 
Comments:  Yes. We have a bicycle corridor in my sub-division, but very few use it. It depends on the area of the city and the demand for it. We need to stress that some cycle for transportation and some for exercise.

Question 3:  "How should the Linear Creekways be funded, and on which improvement to the Linear Creekway do you want the funds to be spent?"   
Answer:  Yes. We need to continue to expand trails. But a study would have to be conducted to see where the trails should be.

Question 4:  "Do you support increased funds to expand and maintain VIA bus services and routes?"    
Reason for answer:   Yes. But in an economic way. In other words, not to expand routes unless it is cost effective and provides service to the needed areas.

Question 5:  "Should funding for more bicycle lanes and pedestrian safety education be included in the city's annual transportation budget?"   
Reason for Answer:  Yes. It is transportation. I would like to see more cyclists on the roads, especially downtown

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