Marcello Martinez - District 3

Name of Candidate:  Marcello Martinez


Score:  90.24% Bicycle Friendly

Position running for: City Council District 3

Question 1: "You're driving along and you encounter a person on a bicycle taking up the entire lane. What is your reaction?    

A, That's illegal and they should be riding on the sidewalk.    

B, Intimidate them so they will learn their place on the roadway.    

C, It's okay to hit them with your car, and it's their fault for being in the way.    

D, None of the above.    

Reason for answer:  D. Options B and C are inhumane and not the way any human should be treating another. Option A is simply untrue. I would slow down and keep my distance. Under our current laws, unless there is a bike lane, or enough space to allow 3 feet for safe passing, a bicycle is allowed the full lane to ensure visibility and their safety.  And it goes beyond the law; it’s the right thing to do.

Question 2: Running for Council: Will you as a Council Member focus on putting down a Protected Bicycle Lane on the busiest corridor in your district? And what is the busiest corridor in your district? 
Comments:  Yes – following the master plan  Protected bicycle lanes are one solution among many that provide safe traveling for those that choose bicycles for transportation. I support a complete streets,, and protected bicycle lanes are an integral part of them. I believe that cyclists should feel and be safe when riding, and we need to consider the best options available to allow them to ride safely. These options could include protected bicycle lanes, the trail system, bike paths and other alternative ideas. Certainly Roosevelt, Goliad, and Southcross can benefit from a more complete street approach. 

Question 3:  "How should the Linear Creekways be funded, and on which improvement to the Linear Creekway do you want the funds to be spent?"   
Answer: Discretionary funds, bond projects, and the parks budget are multiple streams to get revenue from.  The Linear Creekways should offer access to all.  I am very excited that the South Salado Restoration work is moving towards completion, and completing these connections is a priority.

Question 4:  "Do you support increased funds to expand and maintain VIA bus services and routes?"    
Reason for answer:  VIA bus services and routes are needed in District 3.  Students use the bus system to go to school, parents to go to work, and the elderly use their services to maintain independence. VIA helps connect our city.   I believe that funding should be increased to promote the benefits and convenience of alternative transportation.

Question 5:  "Should funding for more bicycle lanes and pedestrian safety education be included in the city's annual transportation budget?"   
Reason for Answer:  Transportation is not vehicles alone.  We need a robust transportation master plan, and I am thrilled that Tomika Monterville accepted the position as Director of Transportation for the City of San Antonio. She has the experience and knowledge to guide that department and put together those plans.  I will work with her initiatives and be an advocate for more alternative transportation in San Antonio.



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