Mario Bravo - District 1

Name of Candidate:  Mario Bravo

Twitter:  @VoteMarioBravo

Score:  86.4% Bicycle Friendly 

Position running for: City Council District 1  

Question 1: "You're driving along and you encounter a person on a bicycle taking up the entire lane. What is your reaction?    

A, That's illegal and they should be riding on the sidewalk.    

B, Intimidate them so they will learn their place on the roadway.    

C, It's okay to hit them with your car, and it's their fault for being in the way.    

D, None of the above.    

Reason for answer:  Cyclists have every right to be on the road.  

Question 2: Running for Council: Will you as a Council Member focus on putting down a Protected Bicycle Lane on the busiest corridor in your district? And what is the busiest corridor in your district? 
Comments:  I will focus on adding protected bike lanes all across our city, not just on the busiest corridor. I will prioritize increasing connectivity among existing bike paths and improving opportunities to travel east-west in the city. 

Question 3:  "How should the Linear Creekways be funded, and on which improvement to the Linear Creekway do you want the funds to be spent?"   
Answer: I’m open to exploring various ways of funding the Linear Creekway Parks Program, and believe we should seek out the most stable, long-term funding. We can’t risk losing funding based on changes in political leadership in the future. I believe the community should decide which Linear Creekways should receive priority funding, not elected officials. That is how representative government works best. 

Question 4:  "Do you support increased funds to expand and maintain VIA bus services and routes?"    
Reason for answer:  In order to improve public transportation and reduce traffic congestion, we need to increase frequency of bus service. San Antonio has survived with half of the sales tax funding that other major metropolitan areas of Texas have benefited from. This will change in four years when our workforce development sales tax fund transitions over to VIA, but in the meantime, we need to support VIA where we can. 

Question 5:  "Should funding for more bicycle lanes and pedestrian safety education be included in the city's annual transportation budget?"   
Reason for Answer:   Yes. We should include funding for not just bicycle lanes, but specifically for protected bike lanes that are separated from traffic. Studies show that physical barriers that separate bikes from cars reduce cyclist fatalities. The city should also legally define a complete street to be a street that includes protected bike lanes so that in the future, when the citizens vote on a bond issue, they get what they voted for.

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