
How to avoid Another Elton John Disaster.

For the longest time, my life has gotten in the way. I was either spending time with my family or hauling toilet paper to those who needed it. But ever since I heard about the Traffic Apocalypse at the Elton John concert , the solution immediately came right up to my mind. I've finally found the time to write on how to solve this problem. Now will it get implemented? Well, that's up to the city of San Antonio. What Won't Work:      Before I get into the solutions, people will need to understand why building a new arena at the edge of town isn't a solution nor widening the freeway. For one, widening the current freeway (I-37) next to the Alamodome will only cause more congestion whether there's an event happening or not. Now the other solution that I've heard is putting a New Alamodome out on the edge of town. I'm assuming that it would probably be where the Missions baseball team currently plays at which is out by Lackland AFB. But even then, you're

No Bicycle Voter's Guide/Vote NO For Prop A.

After much deliberation, I'm not going to do a Voters Guide for 2023. I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something and from all indications, it's telling me don't do one this year. I'm personally tired of being the only one doing this and with FB and Twitter throttling my outreach, well there's really no point.  2017 City Council Elections prove that there's a silent majority out there wanting safer streets, increase trail access and more bicycle infrastructure. The last three elections wasn't all for nothing.  Because of my efforts and you going to the polls, Buena Vista now has a protected bicycle lane, VIA is committed to keeping fares low and unlike other bigger metropolitan areas that have passenger rail, VIA isn't cutting bus service.   My experience doing this to say the least, a learning experience into local politics. The average voter of San Antonio can be described as a Conservative Democrat. The average person running for office is

The Consequences of our Transporation System/ Part I - Why Transportation Sucks in America

Have you ever wondered why you have to drive a car to get around, why public transportation is unreliable and no matter what, your intercity travel options are either by car, Greyhound or flying with airlines who will cancel your flight on a whim . The answer is surprisingly simple; our transportation system is designed for you to have to consume as much oil as possible. If any other alternative to driving is presented to the public, political entities that are against the alternatives along with the local newspapers will tell you that nobody wants it, not enough people will use and they'll tell you that it will make your life a living nightmare when driving.  Now you're probably asking how did I come to the conclusion that our transportation system is designed to force you to consume as much oil as possible? Well it wasn't easy because there's no one out there pointing to the obvious. I came to this conclusion one cold morning riding the new Primo route 10

The Propaganda that Makes Transportation Sucks / Part II - Why Transportation sucks in America

In Part I , I talked about result of us having a transportation system designed for you to consume as much oil as possible. In this part, (Part II) I'll be focusing on the propaganda that convinces you that driving is the best thing since slice bread. This is about the propaganda that says it's great to be in a car and how are cars supposedly are better, but leaves out how much welfare is required for you to be able to drive your car. How much cost is required of you, the owner of the vehicle to maintain it. This is why public transportation sucks. So how did we get here? The War on Cars Starts :      This is a misnomer because it's in fact the other way around. There was never ever a war on cars. There is however a war on walking, a war on bicycling and a war against using transit. It started over a hundred years ago when GM purchased the New York Streetcar system and replace the streetcars with buses. The reason for this was because people in cities just weren't buyin